Apt for frying and cooking up those delicious dishes, non-stick pans are different from all the other cookware sitting within your kitchen. These pans are coated with Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) which does not allow materials to stick to it, giving you a better cooking experience. However, the non-stick coating on such pans is quite fragile and can be easily damaged with regular wear and tear. So, you have to gift the best care to these. While washing a non-stick pan you need to equip yourself with two essentials – Sparkle Scrub Pad (which is made of Virgin Nylon) and Sparkle lime dishwasher tub. Having arranged for these two, it is now time to wash the non-stick pans.

#1: Use some Vinegar

When you spot severe oil stains on the pan, you have to sprinkle some Vinegar on top of the pan. Let the pan rest for a couple of minutes and then pour in some water and boil it. You would find the leftover oil floats on top of the water. Just throw away the water.

#2: Use Sparkle Scrub Pad

Once the residual oil is removed, it is time to wash the pan. And while washing you will have to scrub the surface clean to ensure that there are no leftovers. To attain this you need a non-abrasive Nylon scrub pad. That is why Sparkle Scrub Pad is perfect in this instance. Its superior design allows you to clean grease and dirt from every corner of the pad effortlessly without impacting the PTFE coating.

#3: Give the Sparkle Lime Dishwasher treatment

Ready some warm water, dip the Sparkle Scrub Pad into the Sparkle lime dishwasher tub and start cleaning the non-stick pan. Try to stay gentle while scrubbing and rubbing the surface of the non-stick pan. You will soon find the stains and leftovers gone. You have completed the task of cleaning a non-stick pan.

#4: Dry it with a soft cloth

Non-stick pans are best dried with fresh and soft cloth. The average cloth would not do here. Use the softest of them all to take proper care of the non-stick pan.

When you want to assure longevity and superior cleaning for your non-stick pans, you have got to clean them with the Sparkle lime dishwasher tub and scrub them with the non-abrasive Sparkle Scrub Pad. Ready to order some for your next cleaning session?

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